
Blackmail Issues

                                                        Alexander Knox, helped against the cruel Gatteschi       
                In this year 1845, I already encountered three blackmail plans. The first and most crucial was the one done by Gatteschi, my Italian lover. Even though I tried to help him financially, he announces “indiscreet letters” that I have written. Gatteschi used those letters against me in threatening me and saying that I guaranteed him financial success even though none of that sort was true. However, thankfully these letters were eventually destroyed with the help of my dear son. He called upon the Paris police to hunt Gatteschi down. Alexander Knox also helped in getting the British government to finally seize Gatteschi. When Knox retrieved the letters, he burned them all while finding out Vatteschi was a suspect of revolutionary. I had to use my own money to accomplish this case and I am really embarrassed by all this.
                                                                              The harsh G. Byron
                Anyhow, this is not the end to all my problems. More blackmails appeared soon after. A man claiming to be George Byron, Lord Byron’s son, said he had a box of letters between me and Percy during our time when we eloped. If these letters were actually shown, my relationship with Percy would have been looked down upon because of the existence of Percy’s first wife, Harriet. George Byron backed down when I “threatened and injunction to halt publication”. Moreover, another case that irritated me was when Thomas Medwin, my husband’s cousin, claimed that I had written a damaging publication of Percy. He would only suppress it if I paid him money but of course I did not grant him his demand. All in all, these situations regarding to my blackmails did make my life extremely strenuous, taking in the fact that my husband died and could not support me.

                                                                           The bitter Thoms Medwin



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